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Visions to Reality

Believe that what you visualize in your mind, can lead you to a life of passion and purpose.

Are you ready to manifest a life filled with passion and purpose?

Don't miss our upcoming free 90-minute Vision Board Workshop, where you'll discover the power of visualization enabling you to transform your aspirations into tangible realities!

Coming in October and every month thereafter. Sign up for our email so you don’t miss the date and time!

Hi, I'm


I work with you to take control of your life and career, break self-defeating patterns, and build strong boundaries so you can confidently move forward with passion and purpose. As your workshop facilitator, I wholeheartedly believe in the effectiveness of vision boards as a tool for creating positive change in our lives.

I firmly believe that vision boards work because they serve as a visual representation of our dreams and desires. By immersing ourselves in this creative process, we activate our subconscious mind, align our energy, and attract opportunities that align with our vision. It's a powerful tool that empowers us to take inspired action, overcome obstacles, and create the life we truly desire.

Together, we'll create vision boards that serve as a roadmap to your dreams, guiding you towards a life of purpose, success, and happiness. Are you ready to embark on this incredible journey? Reserve your spot in the upcoming Vision Board Workshop and start manifesting the life you deserve!

I am a master certified life coach who helps you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion, and reinvent yourself.

Be Kind to Yourself.

- Victoria

Visions to Reality

What to expect in this workshop?

Sharing Tea

Dream Exploration

Share your biggest dreams and aspirations. This workshop is a safe and supportive environment for open discussion, allowing participants to inspire and motivate each other.

Vision Board Creation

I will guide you step-by-step in creating your vision boards that resonate with your goals and dreams.

Male Entrepreneur Looking at His Vision Board

Visualize what passion and purpose means to you!

Discuss how you can use your vision boards as a source of encouragement to help keep you on track, and to foster a sense of responsibility towards your goals.

Your benefits in this workshop:

Quotation Mark

Learn to focus on what you want to attract into your life rather than dwelling on limitations or obstacles.

Quotation Mark

You will learn to align your thoughts, intentions, and actions with the outcomes you desire.

Quotation Mark

You will have a daily reminder of what you're working towards, keeping you inspired and determined to take consistent constructive action.

Don't miss this opportunity to ignite your imagination and turn your visions into reality.

Are you ready to take a leap towards manifesting your dreams and creating a life filled with passion and purpose?

Young Brunette Woman Creating Her Feng Shui Wish Map Using Sciss
Vision Board Design. Collage with Different Photos Representing Dreams

If you're looking for more...

Coupled with our $97 workshop and our CREATE individual coaching where you will dig deeper into your passion and purpose, these are the benefits you will experience.

Goal Setting

The workshops and coaching program will teach you effective techniques for setting meaningful goals. You'll learn how to clarify your aspirations, break them down into actionable steps, and create a roadmap to achieve them.

Self-Reflection and Discovery

You'll engage in self-reflection and self-discovery. You'll gain insights into your values, passions, and aspirations, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and what truly brings you joy and fulfillment.

Mindset Shifting

You'll learn strategies to overcome limiting beliefs, develop resilience, and adopt a mindset of abundance and possibility.

Prioritization and Focus

You will learn how to prioritize your goals and focus your energy on what truly matters to you. You'll learn strategies to eliminate distractions, manage your time effectively, and maintain focus on your vision.

Empowerment and Confidence

You will be empowered to take charge of your life and build confidence in your ability to create the future you desire. You'll learn to trust in your vision, believe in yourself, and take bold action towards your dreams.

Curved Up Arrow

Are you ready to get started?

Curved Up Arrow

Sign up now and receive these coupled benefits!

Stylish Room Interior with Comfortable Bed and Vision Board on W

Satisfied Clients

Quotation Mark

Anne Wallen

After making my vision board I started planning two trips with different groups of my family. One has now been fully planned and scheduled for August. I also reconnected with three friends I had not interacted with in a while and set up times to share a meal or go for a walk. In the next 3-6 months I want to set up some larger trips overseas and attend events that I would not do alone.

All in all, doing the wheel of life and the vision board were a great way to jump start the things I wanted to focus on in the near future. I feel like this work was worth the time and is helping me to put legs on my dreams.

Quotation Mark
five star rating
Quotation Mark

Debra Caudill

I reached out to AvantChoice for coaching to help me better manage my relationship with my mother, for whom I had recently become her caregiver. Our roles had reversed when I became the “mother” and she became the “child”.

Victoria was able to help me find effective ways to do that. One of those ways was by creating a vision board – something that was new to me. I’m amazed how easy and engaging it was to create. I believe this became a turning point for me because I could visualize what I wanted in my future; whereas prior to creating the vision board, I was consumed with images of me caring for my mother and the restrictive life it entailed.

I am more confident now, less stressed, and hopeful about my future. Victoria is a compassionate, wise, and patient coach. I will definitely turn to her again when the next life challenge rocks my world.

Quotation Mark
five star rating
Quotation Mark

Harriett Buerckholtz, LCMHC

I have known Victoria for over 20 years. She is a compassionate and caring person. Through the years of our relationship I have experienced her concern for me when I needed to feel someone understands and cares. I have witnessed her reaching out to be of service to many others.

When she is aware of a need someone has, she is there to offer whatever she can to help them. She has many admirable professional qualities. However, I believe this one quality of compassion and caring is a major component of her meaningful and responsive coaching to her clients.

Quotation Mark
five star rating
Person Writing on Travel Art Frame

This workshop is coming soon!

We are currently making some improvements to our workshop!

Vision Board Design. Collage with Different Photos Representing Dreams
Young Brunette Woman Creating Her Feng Shui Wish Map Using Sciss
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Transformational Life Coaching

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